How You’re Helping Restore Water and Supporting Ecosystems

Water is essential for all life. It nourishes crops, sustains ecosystems, supports biodiversity, and provides clean drinking water for communities. Yet, in many of the world’s most vulnerable landscapes, water systems are under threat from deforestation, environmental degradation, and the escalating impacts of climate change. By restoring forests and soils, which play a critical role in filtering rainfall and sustaining vital water sources for both human and wildlife needs, we ensure that our collaborative efforts in water conservation are effective, sustainable, and have lasting benefits for future generations.

By working together we’re doing more than planting trees—we’re working with communities to restore and conserve the vital water sources that ecosystems and people depend on. Trees act as natural filters, trapping pollutants and sediments from runoff before they reach rivers and aquifers. They also help rainwater penetrate deep into the ground, replenishing the water table and ensuring a consistent supply of clean water. By restoring forests and watersheds, we improve water quality, support ecosystems, and secure water sources for future generations.

Restoring Clean Water for Ecosystems and Biodiversity

By planting native trees and restoring landscapes, Eden safeguards vital water sources that support ecosystems and biodiversity. These efforts extend beyond immediate project areas, benefiting plants, wildlife, and fostering essential ecosystem services such as climate regulation through carbon capture, soil erosion control, water filtration, and habitat preservation for unique species.

For example, the Buzi River flows from the Chimanimani Mountains, supplying water to central Mozambique and forming crucial estuaries that sustain Sofala Province’s mangrove forests. These mangroves are vital for preserving biodiversity, supporting local communities, and offering natural protection against floods and storm surges. By reducing deforestation and degradation, our goal is to ensure that Chimanimani continues to serve as a critical water source for the region.

Supporting Agriculture and Rural Communities

As climate change intensifies severe weather events such as droughts, groundwater levels decline, reducing water accessibility and putting food security and livelihoods at risk. For farmers in rural areas, water is more than just a resource—it’s a lifeline. Agriculture relies on natural water sources and rainfall to sustain crops, communities, and livelihoods. By collaborating closely with farmers and local communities to restore watersheds and stabilize climates, we help secure reliable water for drinking, irrigation, and livestock.

Securing Water for Urban Areas

Urban areas rely on surrounding landscapes to capture, filter, and store rainwater for millions of people. In Tegucigalpa, Honduras, for instance, deforestation and environmental degradation have severely compromised the city’s water supply. The city draws its water from the hills and forests that feed into the Choluteca River. With degraded forests and dwindling rainfall, residents face an unreliable water supply, with some neighborhoods receiving water for only a few hours each week.

Through the Cinturón Verde Restoration Project, Eden is working to reverse this trend by restoring critical pine-oak forests that serve as natural water recharge zones. These forests capture rainwater, filter pollutants, and replenish aquifers, providing clean water for over 1 million people. By restoring these natural systems, we reduce the need for costly water treatment, improve water availability, and help secure the future of Tegucigalpa’s water supply.

Ensuring Water Security for the Future

Healthy forests and soils play a crucial role in filtering rainfall, preventing pollution, and maintaining the balance of water systems. By preserving vital springs + watersheds, combating water pollution, and reducing soil erosion, we are strengthening both the quality and availability of water for people and wildlife.

Through tree planting and landscape restoration in key watersheds, we’re working together to enhance water resources in some of the world’s most vulnerable regions. Your contributions are playing a crucial role in ensuring clean, accessible water for generations to come.

Together, we can continue protecting the natural systems that sustain life, fostering a healthier and more resilient environment for all.

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How You Can Help

While the world has made progress towards meeting international sustainability goals, more remains to be done to combat climate change, address environmental degradation, and support community development. We cannot do it alone. Join us to restore and conserve vital ecosystems for the well-being of both people+planet.