Philanthropic Landscape Restoration
Cinturón Verde, Honduras
The Cinturón Verde Restoration Project is a 96,500-hectare (ha) landscape restoration initiative designed to protect water resources, prevent and manage forest fires, restore landscape connectivity, and improve climate resilience.
- Project Partners
- Instituto de Conservacion Forestal (ICF)
- Surrounding municipalities
- Water boards
- Restoration Approaches
- Forest restoration
- Fire regime management
- Watershed management
- Ecosystem Services
- Water provision, cycling, and regulation
- Food provision, through crops and livestock
- Climate regulation at the local and global level
Project Overview
Why We Are Partnering to Restore and Protect Tegucigalpa’s Water Recharge Zones
In the last two decades, deforestation and degradation in the water recharge zones of Tegucigalpa's main water sources have destabilized the urban water supply.
Since 2000, the project area has lost 10,560 hectares of tree cover, with an additional 14,000 devastated by the pine bark beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis). The Cinturón Verde Landscape Restoration Project provides a nature-based solution to the region's urgent water crisis, complementing urban infrastructure improvements to play a critical role in climate resilience while creating co-benefits for biodiversity and livelihoods.
The reforestation and restoration project spans multiple forest types rich in biodiversity, such as highland cloud forests, pine-oak, and broadleaf deciduous forests. The project works across the entire catchment of Tegucigalpa's main water sources, prioritizing restoration across five protected areas, their buffer zones, and the biological corridors between them. By working across these areas, the landscape restoration project directly secures the water provision services of the landscape for over 1 million people, enhances biodiversity habitat, and develops sustainable livelihood programs for local communities.
How We’re Working Here
We are collaborative with communities, governments, and other stakeholders to co-design programs that restore forests and address the drivers of deforestation and degradation.
By incorporating a holistic landscape approach, we are focusing on a mosaic of protected and unprotected forest types that support Tegucigalpa's three main water sources - Las Laureles Dam, La Concepción Dam, and La Tigra National Park. Our approach to supporting landscape restoration in this region includes:
- Collaboration with community water boards and other stakeholders
By working together, we will build a restoration vision and co-develop project goals.
- Reforestation and protection of key water recharge zones for Honduras’ Central District
This will improve water availability for over 1 million people.
- Expansion of biological corridors between protected areas
This will be achieved through agroforestry and regenerative agriculture on private and communally owned land.
- Promoting forest-friendly, climate-resilient livelihood opportunities
Together, we will co-develop this initiative with communities and other stakeholders in the project design phase.
- Protecting critical habitat for migratory birds and endangered wildlife
We train and manage firefighting brigades and volunteers to improve early warning systems and fight forest fires, improving urban air quality and stabilizing the natural fire regime.
- Expansion of our forest fire monitoring and prevention efforts
We will work in coordination with firefighting brigades and volunteers.
- Implementing early warning systems for cyclical infestations
We provide technical support on restoration planning to enhance protected area management plans.
- Coordination, support, and implementation of protected area management plans.
Landscape Restoration Progress
Eden’s work in this landscape in Honduras focuses on fire prevention, tree planting, and assisted natural regeneration. Our fire monitoring and mitigation efforts bring communities together to fight and prevent uncontrolled forest fires. In 2022-2024 alone, our team combated 154 forest fires and constructed over 1200 km of fire breaks. These measures ensured that more than 95% of Eden’s landscape restoration sites were successfully protected from the debilitating impact of uncontrolled forest fires, increasing the long-term survival outlook for both planted and naturally regenerating trees in the landscape.
Strengthening the Resilience of People and the Planet
By working together on the Cinturón Verde Project in Honduras we will support the protection of water resources, prevention and management of forest fires, restoration of landscape connectivity, and stabilization of long-term climate resilience. Over the next 15 years, Eden’s anticipated impact will create substantial benefits for the environment and communities, including:
- A more connected, resilient forest landscape that can provide ecosystem services and support biodiversity.
- Reduced disturbance of natural fire regimes, improving forest health and resilience to disturbance.
- Increased water availability for urban and rural residents.
- Millions of trees planted and monitored across three forest types within Honduras.
- More established and sustainable food systems to reduce reliance upon finite resources.
- Forest-friendly and climate-resilient livelihoods, created through direct employment and seed collection contractors.
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